I have given paid talks to the following organizations:
University of Massachusetts Boston
MacEwan University
UC Davis
Canadian Canola Council
Soybean Leadership College
Valencia Community College
Chemical Council of New Jersey
Pastahcon (PA Atheists Conference)
Refrigerated Foods Association
SkeptiCal LA
American Farm Bureau
Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Meeting
American Atheists Convention
Florida Dairy Farmers
Crop Life USA
SkeptiCal Berkeley
Southwest Meat Association
Minn-Dak Cooperative
CounterMeasure IT Security Conference
CA Beet Growers
Atlantic Farm Women
San Jose Atheists
In addition to these, I schedule some work on a volunteer basis. This has included international events to promote science (Australia’s National Science Week), national conferences (Reason Rally and NECSS), and speaking with local skeptic groups. I also volunteer annually to judge a local elementary school science fair.
I have previously held jobs in B2B sales, as an adjunct professor of chemistry, and in industry and research labs as a chemist. I have had no ties, financial or otherwise, to any of my previous employers since my employments ended (the most recent of these ended in 2014, overlapping with my blog by less than four months).
I now work as a contributing writer at The Outline and a columnist for SELF. I have also contributed work for Cosmopolitan, Gawker, Genius, DeadState, and Slate. I previously worked as a consultant to Flavor Producers and currently work with Splenda.
Via SciBabe.com and my associated social media accounts, the income from my work as a writer and speaker is augmented with advertising, sharing affiliate links, and Amazon Affiliate purchases.
If you have any questions about potential conflicts of interest or the content of any of my talks, I encourage you to look at the videos of my public talks on my media page or to email me. I’ll be glad to answer your questions.
-Yvette, aka SciBabe