MOS: Wrinkle Cream & Prison Labor

January 26, 2024 SciBabe 0

A newly trained dermatologist, he was hired by Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, PA to help treat an outbreak of athlete’s foot. In Holmesburg, he saw far more than fungal infections; he saw potential.

MOS: The Merchant of Syphilis

January 25, 2024 SciBabe 0

From 1946 to 1948, Cutler led studies on multiple bacterial STDs. Like the Terre Haute experiments, people were deliberately infected; unlike the prisoners, those infected were told almost nothing. Estimates of the number of victims are as high as 5,000 people.

MOS: Operation Delirium

January 24, 2024 SciBabe 0

And then there was that time a drug failed to treat tummy aches in Switzerland, so the US government locked some soldiers in a room and made them trip balls on that shit for god and country.

MOS: The Forbidden Experiments

January 23, 2024 SciBabe 0

Contemporary scholars question the authenticity of these stories. Which means we’re a society that makes up legends about experimenting on babies.