Daily MOS: Pluto’s Gate

April 27, 2021 SciBabe 0

Some places take you with fire. Then there are the places where the Earth covertly, quietly takes your life, with only the mist around you.

Daily MOS: The Villejuif Leaflet

April 24, 2021 SciBabe 2

Let’s talk about the time the French were like “l’oranges c’est merde” and panicked most of Europe into thinking they had to choose between scurvy or cancer.

Daily MOS: Homing Kittens

April 22, 2021 SciBabe 3

Brief synopsis of a conversation my husband and I had with our roommates multiple times:
“Hey please don’t let our cats outside, they’re idiots who will run away.”
“So what you’re saying is we can keep letting your cats outside?”
And scene.

Daily MOS: 420

April 22, 2021 SciBabe 1

THC has caused a bit of a ruckus. Shame- it’s an amazing medicine and a delightful way to make the comments section marginally less annoying.