Daily MOS: Directed Panspermia
If it truly was the grand plan of some alien species to fly zillions of miles to seed a random planet with DNA, enzymes, proteins, and a microbe or two, I have some questions regarding their long game for Australia.
If it truly was the grand plan of some alien species to fly zillions of miles to seed a random planet with DNA, enzymes, proteins, and a microbe or two, I have some questions regarding their long game for Australia.
It’s unclear if there’s ever been a bigger boner due to a problem with unit conversion, but if losing a hundred million dollar spacecraft isn’t enough to drag the US on board with the metric system? Seems we’re stuck with feet, ounces, gallons, and whatever stones are.
All we know next is that, for no apparent reason, John Byrnes pulled that control rod up by about twenty inches.
They’re not just dicks to humans; these prehistoric chickens barely put up with each other.
The behemoth would test every possible setting from the Enigma machine, slowly and methodically eliminating possible combinations until it spat out some “fuck these nazis” code.
The experiments conducted at Unit 731 have been described as “psychopathically sadistic, with no conceivable military application.”
A question I hear sometimes is “why don’t we get rid of all opiates?” It’s kinda the same answer for why we can’t get rid of fossil fuels yet. Because we all know it’s a no good very bad option, but until something that can really replace it comes along we’re stuck with it for now.
I mean, I probably knew not to eat the entire box of low fat bullshit. But hand me a snack labeled “guilt-free,” and I’m gonna take you at your word. Now pass the anal leakage chips, they’re fat free.
For a while, cane toads were the hottest thing in organic pest control. Skip the chemicals, let these hallucinogenic amphibians do the work.
Someone had to ask King Leonidas if the Spartans could bring their best war panties to Athens to fight the Persians. That someone was Pheidippides.
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