Daily MOS: The Irish Potato Famine

July 30, 2021 SciBabe 0

All was not running smoothly when, whoopsiedaisy, bad year for potatoes. This volatile socioeconomic backdrop was ready to erupt when late blight came to Ireland in 1845.

Daily MOS: Agent Orange

July 30, 2021 SciBabe 1

It’s estimated that a fifth of the country was blanketed with as much as eighty million liters of Agent Orange in arguably the biggest chemical warfare campaign in history.

Daily MOS: The “illness” of Bicycle Face

July 27, 2021 SciBabe 0

There were reportedly rumors of “overdeveloped muscles” crippling dancers and all that cardio work leaving actresses breathless, unable to deliver their lines. Funny how this machine could make women both too strong and too weak to function simultaneously.

Daily MOS: The Fennec Fox

July 16, 2021 SciBabe 0

People capture them for their fur or for the exotic pet market. Because it’s cute and small enough to tell ourselves we can be the boss of it.