MOS: The Paleo Diet

September 23, 2021 SciBabe 0

The guy who cooked this up thought we should cull tigers and dolphins, lest they rise up and overthrow humans.

MOS: Flying Squirrels

September 17, 2021 SciBabe 0

There are three species of flying squirrel in North America, and because they weren’t enough of a fucking delight already, they fluoresce pink. 

MOS: Polio Eradication

September 15, 2021 SciBabe 2

So now we have to talk about circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV). Because funny thing about polio. Well, not funny ‘haha.’

MOS: The Polio Vaccine

September 14, 2021 SciBabe 0

Before Salk’s vaccine were some disasters, a few near misses, and at least one triumph you likely never heard about.