MOS: Saigas

March 19, 2022 SciBabe 0

A thousand of those interesting faces come together in the spring for pregnant saigas to give birth together. Which I imagine to be noisy.

MOS: Leprosy

March 19, 2022 SciBabe 1

Leprosy never made anyone too dead in a hurry. But ancient humans weren’t up for a game of “gotch’yer nose” with this mysterious illness.

MOS: Echidnas

March 19, 2022 SciBabe 2

Looking every bit like the offspring of a hedgehog that fucked an aardvark, the echidna also has a four-headed penis.

MOS: Chernobyl, Part 1

March 19, 2022 SciBabe 2

If you remember only one thing from my work, let it be that nuclear plants following best practices today don’t just wreck half of Eastern Europe on a whim.