MOS: Kitty Genovese and the Bystander Effect
The story I remember about Genovese’s murder sounds like a fucking nightmare. Probably because you’d have to be asleep to believe it.
The story I remember about Genovese’s murder sounds like a fucking nightmare. Probably because you’d have to be asleep to believe it.
Cavett has most often been approached about one episode folks are sure they saw, the footage from which has never seen the light of day.
Dr. Edwin Katskee decided the best way to sort the correct dosage was to take simply massive amounts of cocaine. When used as local anesthesia, it’s often applied topically. Katskee injected the stuff.
From 1946 to 1948, Cutler led studies on multiple bacterial STDs. Like the Terre Haute experiments, people were deliberately infected; unlike the prisoners, those infected were told almost nothing. Estimates of the number of victims are as high as 5,000 people.
There’s a theory that Yuri Gagarin was not the first person the Soviets sent to space, just the first one to come back alive.
Ffirt thought if he could prove it wasn’t contagious, people wouldn’t have to suffer their final moments with this awful disease alone. He was willing to put his ass– and every other orifice– on the line to prove it wasn’t contagious.
And then there was that time a drug failed to treat tummy aches in Switzerland, so the US government locked some soldiers in a room and made them trip balls on that shit for god and country.
This story reminds me of the Steven Wright quote; if at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.
Even in wartime, dropping that much fire power on a random bit of dirt by the Tunguska River, a plot of nothing in the middle of nowhere, would have been a flex.
Nemo would have grown to become half of a newly formed breeding pair. But despite the pearl clutching on twitter, Disney isn’t teaching your kids all that much about genitals.
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