Daily MOS: Our Octopodes Overlords
Nothing major happened that caused other local sea life to yeet themselves onto the shore to their own detriment, so what’s up, you zany cephalopods?
Nothing major happened that caused other local sea life to yeet themselves onto the shore to their own detriment, so what’s up, you zany cephalopods?
This animal BASE jumps without a parachute, swims long distances for survival, and plays mind games that make a cat go “woah, dude, be cool.”
The illness had symptoms that sound oddly familiar. Cough, fever, pneumonia, and cases tended to be worse for older people and those with pre-existing illnesses.
Researchers went to the mine to get a clearer understanding of what happened because “unaccounted for uranium” is a bit of a sphincter clencher.
This little f*cker…
Covid is much deadlier than polio, and leaves a significantly higher percentage of people with long term health problems.
Given millions of years, competition for resources, genetic drift, and if there is a god they have a whacked sense of humor, creatures just keep ostensibly turning into fucking crabs.
When Pablo Escobar brought four hippos to Colombia, did he do much research? Nah. He brought them because having hippos was effing cool and who in God’s name was gonna tell Pablo Escobar, “hey, a word about your hippos?”
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