Y’all. Sometimes I don’t have to make a joke.
Today’s Mini-Moment of Science… the Lake Titicaca Scrotum Frog.
This handsome boyo got its nickname because it resides in Lake Titicaca and, well, just fucking look at it. It looks like a ballsack that grew a frog. Under stressful conditions, these marbled monsters that weigh up to a pound will excrete a sticky white fluid through their skin. Which… godfuckingdamnit.
It’s endangered for a litany of reasons, several of which involve our dumbasses. The first obvious one is pollution. The second is that some jackass was like “know what Lake Titicaca needs? Trout.” It did not. The trout dined on scrotum frog tadpoles.
The third, most “oh Jesus Christ could we not” reason? Froggy aphrodisiac juice, sold as traditional medicine. For the love of bukakke porn, if you’re desperate enough to drink scrotum frog smoothie, just talk to your doctor about viagra. Throwing a frog into a ninja for human consumption isn’t proven to do shit medicinally. Furthermore, a report from the area from a hundred years ago suggested they didn’t even consider it edible at the time. Some “tradition.” Some “medicine.”
Anyway. Lake Titicaca Scrotum Frog. Support me on patreon, you perverts.
This has been your Moment of Science, wondering how many animals are appropriately nicknamed after our inappropriate bits.
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