Daily MOS: Blondpocalypse?!
Hey blondes, the internet said you’re going extinct. Which is super weird since everything on the internet is obviously true.
Daily MOS: Martin Couney’s Carnival Incubator Babies
This was a time when eugenics enjoyed its brief stint of popularity. Doctors looked at Couney’s efforts to save these weaklings with contempt.
Daily MOS: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
At the guinea pig unit, 500 conscientious objectors volunteered to take part in medical experiments. Ancel Keys’ starvation experiment was one of them.
Daily MOS: The Tearoom Trade
“Where does the average guy go just to get a blowjob?” The space race, LSD research, and blowjob chasing. Science in the sixties was lit.
Daily MOS: Our Octopodes Overlords
Nothing major happened that caused other local sea life to yeet themselves onto the shore to their own detriment, so what’s up, you zany cephalopods?
Daily MOS: Weyburn Mental Hospital
They made laws dictating that they needed a mental health facility. The law really wasn’t too clear on things like “don’t purposefully put patients into a coma with excessive insulin” or “dropping acid at work is frowned upon.” I can see how confusion arose.
Daily MOS: The Oppau Disaster
On with the dynamite they went, as they’d done a reported 20,000 times before. Witnesses heard two explosions, and a piece of this world was torn from existence.
Daily MOS: The Eradication of Smallpox, Part II
A veritable army of 135,000 doctors from 170 countries made over a billion house calls to bring the last stand of smallpox to an end.
Daily MOS: The Eradication of Smallpox, Part I
Long before Edward Jenner’s alleged revelation with the milkmaids was the “prevent smallpox by snorting diseased flesh like cocaine” racket.