Daily MOS: The Fifty Year Darvaza Gas Fire
The ground gave way under the massive amount of weight to reveal a giant underground cavern brimming with natural gas. So they did the responsible thing and lit the fucking pit on fire.

Daily MOS: Lysenkoism
Russia has entered the chat.

Daily MOS: The Mildly Radioactive Banana
But you’d have to be pretty damn determined to get radiation poisoning from a banana.

Daily MOS: Day of the Zebra
I live with an illness that has adopted the mascot of the zebra. Because so often, doctors see us zebras up close and can’t help but try to diagnose a striped horse.

Daily MOS: DDT, Chemical Menace or Savior?
Dr. Muller was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work developing the pesticide. After all, DDT was proven safe for humans, it killed mosquitoes, and wasn’t that enough?

Daily MOS: Convergent Evolution & Carcinization
Given millions of years, competition for resources, genetic drift, and if there is a god they have a whacked sense of humor, creatures just keep ostensibly turning into fucking crabs.

Daily MOS: Get Hammered at the Hospital with this One Simple Trick
In order to ensure that your entire available supply of alcohol dehydrogenase is being blocked from breaking down ethylene glycol, you’re gonna have to take a positively heroic amount of alcohol.

Daily MOS: Pablo’s Hippos
When Pablo Escobar brought four hippos to Colombia, did he do much research? Nah. He brought them because having hippos was effing cool and who in God’s name was gonna tell Pablo Escobar, “hey, a word about your hippos?”

Daily MOS: Quinine, the Bark of Barks
Many of our pharmaceutical powerhouses came from some enterprising cave dweller who said “today’s the day I lick that goddamn tree.”