MOS: Dr. Evelyn Hooker
Hooker then gave those results- blinded- to a panel of clinicians and asked them to sort out the gays and the straights. Which was a thing psychological science was supposed to be able to do because these people had a real mental illness, right? Riiiight?

MOS: Gay Sex in the Wilderness
Approximately 10% of rams are exclusively into other rams. Another 20% are bisexual. It must be the liberal indoctrination from hanging out with all those goddamn sheep.

MOS: Dr. Ben Barres & Glial Cells
A trans man was attending a conference to give a talk. Someone was overheard saying “his work is so much better than his sister’s. There was no sister. That was work from before he transitioned.

MOS: Lake Titicaca Scrotum Frog
Some genius was like “know what Lake Titicaca needs? Trout.” It did not. The trout dined on scrotum frog tadpoles.

MOS: Starvation Mode
RMR after weight loss can be a bit lower than in people of a comparable but long-term stable weight. This is referred to as metabolic adaptation, and that’s… probably starvation mode.

MOS: How To Drink Water
Drink water. Drink 6-8 glasses a day. Drink a hundred ounces a day. Drink a gallon a day.
I need a drink.

MOS: The Fermi Paradox
Out of nowhere, Fermi blurted out, “where is everybody?” His lunch companions knew he was referring to those long absent little green men.

MOS: Kitty Genovese and the Bystander Effect
The story I remember about Genovese’s murder sounds like a fucking nightmare. Probably because you’d have to be asleep to believe it.

MOS: The Life and Death of J.I. Rodale
Cavett has most often been approached about one episode folks are sure they saw, the footage from which has never seen the light of day.