MOS: Put the the “P” in…
Chlorine doesn’t ferry piss out of the pool for adult swim. It’s just a molecule. At best it will react with other molecules. At worst, same.
Chlorine doesn’t ferry piss out of the pool for adult swim. It’s just a molecule. At best it will react with other molecules. At worst, same.
There are some chemicals on this Earth that no amount of riches would convince me to work with. ClF3 reacts to almost everything, and the way to fix it once you have an accident? Experts recommend running shoes.
Hennig Brand was the first person in modern times to discover an element. It just took one torrentially putrefied basement and a mid-sized lake of wee.
Dr. Albert Hofmann discovered LSD and thought it was a failure. Then, five years later, he touched it.
Antoine Lavoisier ended the theory of phlogiston. And the guillotine ended Lavoisier.
We’ve fallen into a sourdough obsession since the pandemic, but how do those bubbly carb miracles work?
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