MOS: Wrinkle Cream & Prison Labor
A newly trained dermatologist, he was hired by Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, PA to help treat an outbreak of athlete’s foot. In Holmesburg, he saw far more than fungal infections; he saw potential.
A newly trained dermatologist, he was hired by Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, PA to help treat an outbreak of athlete’s foot. In Holmesburg, he saw far more than fungal infections; he saw potential.
A eugenicist superintendent at a school in Massachusetts approved feeding lightly radioactive oatmeal to his mentally disabled students. But they took the kids to some Red Sox games, so.
From 1946 to 1948, Cutler led studies on multiple bacterial STDs. Like the Terre Haute experiments, people were deliberately infected; unlike the prisoners, those infected were told almost nothing. Estimates of the number of victims are as high as 5,000 people.
And then there was that time a drug failed to treat tummy aches in Switzerland, so the US government locked some soldiers in a room and made them trip balls on that shit for god and country.
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